O.k, normally this space is for me to talk about my comic and things related to comics, But in this blog I just want to say that common sense in America is Dead! I am sick to death of our elected Congressmen and Senators, Democrats & Republicans, the Left the Right ,The Religious and the Secularist, Big Government & Big Business. LEAVE US ALONE! If I remember correctly our fonding fathers set up our constitution with these three words on the first line and first page, WE THE
PEOPLE! We need to take back this country from a bunch of power hungry Politicians! Kick them all out and start over from scratch. If we dont we are going to wind up in another CIVIL WAR in this country and it is not going to be good! And as far as this war in Iraq , we are there we went in we did what we did We have to finish this war and bring our Brave men and women home but with victory not defeat. Regardless of what you think of this war . We have Brave men and women there fighting to protect this country and to complete a mission ! When did America become a whipped dog? We could win this war in a matter of months if the damn Politicians would keep their F$#%&ing noses out of it! I dont like the way my country is heading. And I worry for my children and my grandchildren . I thought that this was a free country but more and more I see our rights being taken away little by little because people have become to dependent on the freaking government federal ,state, and local to tell us what we can, cant ,will, or wont do! What ever happened to personal responsibility! If you dont want your kid to watch something on TV get up and turn the freaking channel don't wait for the freaking government to put a law in effect saying that it is illegal to watch this or it has to be rated R ,PG, XXX! Why can't we as people do it without the government stepping in . And Smoking last time I checked was not an illegal drug so why are we as people letting the local and state governments pass all these anti smoking laws? If you dont want people to smoke then make the damn things Illegal! And Last but not least Political Correctness ! Its disabling this country know one can say anything anymore without offending someone. I would rather know that a person next to me is a racist from what he says than find out by him one day shooting me because he is a racist that has never spoken of it then one day goes nuts! The bigest problem this country has right now is MONEY AND POWER! We have gone mad for it .Example The only two Qualifications for someone to be able to run for president is 1) Be an American Citizen 2) Be a Certain Age - thats it nothing else to qualify you . But for someone to run for President today they have to have a Fort Knoxx Bank roll and be Jesus himself! What have we become have we gone so far off the deep end that we cn not see we are destroying the Greatest country in the world! Anyway That is all I have to say ! I hope this country will survive the next 12 years! God Please Bless America! And the Rest of the world As well! Oh by the way if you vote for me as President I could'nt do any worse or better! and I am a Democrat go figure! I am an American First and that is what we all should be! Secure this country win this war and let's get back to being good neighbors to one another!
Friday, March 09, 2007
My Head is going to Explode
Posted by The Hero Maker at 3/09/2007 12:51:00 am
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